
2023 & 2024 Christian Israel Feast Days


Our Father in Heaven created the biblical feast days in preparation for Jesus’ first advent and the Second Advent that is yet to come.   When Jesus was here his birth advents and his crucifixion events did fulfill Feast Day laws documented by Moses and that is how the Israelites knew that it was their kinsman redeemer who had come for them.  The Israelites were waiting for Jesus to come and after his death on Passover they knew it was him who had fulfilled the feast day laws as stated.

Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”  DR Mat 5:17-19

Jesus tells us clearly above that the laws of Moses are in effect until the kingdom of heaven comes.  Since the kingdom of heaven has not yet come to the earth, we know the laws still must be followed.  Jesus stated he came to fulfill the law; however, nowhere does it state that he fulfilled all the laws of Moses.  Jesus only fulfilled the laws that he planned to fulfill during the first advent and will fulfill the rest of the Feast Day laws when he returns.    


Our Father in Heavens Feast Days

Our Father in Heaven made appointments with us to keep the feast days.  We are to keep these feast days as a sign of being HIS people plus they were put in place to ensure that HIS people would be ready for Jesus’ return.  Many of the feast days should still be considered prophecy since they are yet to come. Only by studying and doing HIS feast days will you be ready and not be miss-lead by an anti-Christ person.   Most of these feast state they are to be observed perpetually meaning for ever. Here are some of the verses where HE states these feasts are perpetual:

“And ye shall keep this commandment, for on this day will I bring out your force out of the land of Egypt; and ye shall make this day a perpetual ordinance for you throughout your generations.” Exo 12:17 

And ye shall not eat bread, or the new parched corn, until this same day, until ye offer the sacrifices to your God: it is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings.” Lev 23:14  

“And ye shall call this day a convocation: it shall be holy to you; ye shall do no servile work on it: it is a perpetual ordinance throughout your generations in all your habitations.” Lev 23:21 

“Ye shall do no manner of work: it is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your habitations.” Lev 23:31 

“It is a perpetual statute for your generations: in the seventh month ye shall keep it.” Lev 23:41 

The feast day laws are not an invitation to attend; they are a law that all men especially must attend for the Unleavened bread feast, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles.  These three feasts are not to be celebrated at home.

Three times in the year shall every male of thine appear before the Lord the God of Israel.” Exo 34:23 

Three times in the year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God in the place which the Lord shall choose in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: thou shalt not appear before the Lord thy God empty.” Deu 16:16 

The feast days in the laws of Moses are Christian Israelite Holy Feat Days that must be celebrated as the new Christ believing Apostles from the tribe of Benjamin did at the appointed times that our Father in Heaven declared.  The book ‘Writings of Falvius Josephus’ also records that the tribes did celebrate the feast day after Jesus’ crucifixion.   The apostles also taught to continue observing the feast days.

Sabbath Rest Day

The Sabbath rest day is a weekly holy day that occurs every Saturday.  One of the signs of being His chosen people is following the Sabbath Day laws.  These links provide more information.

The Sabbath Rest Day

The Sabbath Day & the Biblical Weekly Cycle of Seven

Christian Israelite Festivals

Below are the feast days required of all Christian Israelites by the laws of Moses plus the new feast days that started as a result of Jesus’ life and crucifixion.  The feasts or festivals that started after Jesus was crucified that are not in our bibles since these traditions were establish after the New Testament was written.  These festivals are to honor what Jesus did for us and should be considered Christian even though they are not in our bibles.  They were started to honor Jesus Christ and the activities performed on these days should be conducted in a biblical matter. I plan to honor all of them at minimum with prayer.  Those with families at home might want to observe with a special family dinner and prayer. 

The feasts in red below are feast required by our Father in Heaven as documented in the laws of Moses.  They all start at dawn except for Passover and the Day of Atonement; scriptures state these two feast start in the evening.

Spring Feast Days


Spring Christian Feast Days

(The day starts at dawn.)

Red = Required by the laws of Moses







History & Notes

1st Day of the Month Celebration

Observe the month of New Corn

(Deu 16:1, Num 28:11)

New Year’s Day Spring Festival

Start of Religious & Agricultural Year

The celebration of Noah starting to build the ark & 2 years later the earth was visible.  (Jub 6)

This is also the day that yearly Priestly Consecration began for 8 days. (Exo 29, Lev 8)

Abib 1

March 15th

March 13th 

In 1752, the first day of the New Year changed to January 1st plus all of the dates on our calendar were shifted by 11 days. This aligned the New Year’s day observance with the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, based on the false belief that Jesus was born on December 25th.

The importance on  keeping the New Year on Wednesday.

Information about New Years, Equinoxes & Passover dates.

Spring Festivals are a tradition in many communities.

In 3238 BC, Noah instituted the Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Festivals. It was part of the covenant made with our Father on Pentecost.  Also see Quarter & Cross Quarter Days explained.

Jesus’ Last Supper 

Dinner served with leavened bread & wine. (Mat 26:20)

Abib 13

March 27th

March 25th

Today this feast is traditionally called “The Last Supper”

See Jesus’ Last Supper & Passover

Passover Feast –meal at evening

Dinner served with unleavened bread & bitter herbs.  Remove leaven from your home.

(Exo 12:6-11 & 12:50, Num 9:3, Deu 16:6)

The 1st born of Egypt killed and the 1st born of Israel was saved. (Exo 12:29)

Jesus crucified & died about 3:00pm. (Mat 27:45, John 19:14)

Jesus in tomb just before the dawn of Abib 15 (Luke 23:54)

Abib 14

March 28th

March 26th

During 100s AD, Rome started enforcing the date of observance be based on a new moon calculation.  Lots of Christians were killed for celebrating Passover on the correct date.  The Passover Feast was stopped and the Easter observance was started instead. 

Good Friday services are the replacement services for Passover; however they are never held three days before Easter as it should be since Jesus was in the tomb 3 day and 3 nights. (Luke 24:46)

An overview of the Passover Feast .

Why did Jesus have to die?

The state of Florida celebrates Passover on about the correct date each year. Pascua means Passover.

Unleavened Bread Feast

Dedication & Redemption of the 1st born (Exo 12:15-16, Exo 13:2, Deu 16:3)

Left bondage in Egypt on Abib 15 (Exo 12)

Passed thru the Red Sea on Abib 21

Abib 15 –

Abib 21

March 29th  - April 4th

March 27th  - April 2nd

Unleavened Bread & Redemption of the First Born

Unleavened Bread, Redemption, & First Fruits

Why we do Spring Cleaning

Unleavened bread recipes:

Hoe Cakes

Barley Unleavened Bread

Whole Wheat Unleavened Bread

Jesus’ Resurrection Day was during the Feast of Unleavened bread at dawn just as the Sabbath was starting.

(Luke 24:1, Mat 28:1, John 20:1) 

Abib 18

April 1st

March 30th

This is a Sabbath day; therefore a day of rest.  I’m sure that is why services were never on this day.

Mary finds Jesus’ tomb empty & Jesus appears to Mary & the Apostles. (Mat 28, John 20:1)

Abib 19

April 2nd

March 31st

Easter Sunday services today are to remember that Jesus was resurrected. Easter is celebrated in 100 countries.  

The word Easter means ‘East Star’ and the east star is Venus.  The old East Star celebration was the first day of the second month celebration, on the old calendar,

Eat No Grain 

(Lev 23:14)

Abib 22 – Abib 25

April 3rd to April 8th

April 1st to April 6th

I believe this time period of eating Unleavened Bread and then no grain is actually a natural detox process for your body. Therefore you are physically and spiritually removing impurities or leaven from your soul. (See Luke 12:1 regarding the leaven of the Pharisees.)

First Fruits (Wave Sheaf)  Feast

Jesus became High Priest

(Lev 23:10, Luke 9:28, Num 6)

This was an offering performed at Sunday services.

(Starts countdown to the Feast of Weeks)

Abib 26

April 9th

April 7th

Unleavened Bread, Redemption, & First Fruits

The First Fruits & determining the correct date of the Feast of Weeks

1st Day of the Month Celebration

(Num 28:11)

2nd Month,

1st Day

April 14th

April 12th

This is when they would track Venus and it was the old Easter celebration.

Passover Feast - Make-up Day

(Num 9:10-11)


2nd Month,

14th day

April 27th

April  25th

This only applies if you were not able to observe the Passover on the correct death due to a death in the family or because you are traveling.  This is why there is mention of the Apostles or Jesus’ family having a Passover dinner after Jesus died that day; it was forbidden for them to have that Passover since Jesus had died.

Jesus’ Ascension Day (Luke 24:51)

Noah: flood gates open & water rises. (Gen 7:11)

Noah: one year later ark rested on Mount Ararat. (Gen 8:14)

2nd Month,

27th Day

May 10th

May 8th

Ascension Day is observed in 52 countries; however. they do not celebrate on this on the correct day since they base it on a moving Easter date.

1st Day of the Month Celebration

(Num 28:11)

3rd Month,

1st day

May 14th

May 12th


The Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) Feast

A renewal of the covenants our Father made with our ancestors.

Covenants made with Noah in 3238 BC, Abraham in 2092 BC, Isaac in 2069 BC, Jacob 1879 BC and Israelites in 1448 BC. In 33 AD, Apostles & 3000 others baptized received the Holy Spirit.

Offering were made at Pentecost at Sunday services.

3rd Month,

15th day

May 28th

May 26th

Many churches used to call this feast WhitSun or White Sunday.  This is when the churches would have revivals, the Christians would dress in white and baptisms would be performed.

The First Fruits & determining the correct date of the Feast of Weeks

Pentecost & Our Covenants

The history of Pentecost & how we are saved by water.

This 1880 Wright’s Almanac shows Pentecost is called Whit Sunday (page 14) and they were basing the date on a movable Easter.

Whit Sunday is considered a Holiday in 31 countries.



Summer Feast Days

Summer Christian Feast Days

(The day starts at dawn.)

Red = Required by the laws of Moses







Notes and more Information

1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

Summer Division Festival

Noah’s flood:  Flood gates closed & water descending.  (Jub 6:25)

4th Month,

1st Day

June 14th

June 12h

In 3238 BC, Noah instituted the Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Festivals. It was part of the covenant made with our Father on Pentecost. 

1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

5th Month,

1st day

July 14th

July 12th


New Wine Festival from the Dead Sea Scrolls (Num 18:12) The New WinSeptember 3rd e offering was performed as part of the Sunday services.

5th Month,

3rd day

July 16th

July 14th

Information about the .New Wine Festival

1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

6th Month

1st day

August 13th

August 11th


New Oil Festival from the Dead Sea Scrolls.  (Num 18:12)  The New Oil offering was done as part of the Sunday services.

6th Month,

22nd day

Sept 3rd

Sept 1st

Information about the New Oil Festival.

Wood Offering Festival from the Dead Sea Scrolls. (Num 18:12)  This was a six day festival where all 12 tribes were to bring wood to the temple.  Two tribes a day brought wood.

6th Month,

29th day

Sept 10th

Sept 8th

Information about the . Wood Festival


Fall Feast Days

Fall Christian Feast Days

(The day starts at dawn.)

Red = Required by the laws of Moses








1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

Feast of Trumpets (Lev 23:23-25, Num 29:1)

New Civic Year, Fall Division Festival (Jub 6:25)

Noah’s flood observance:  The abyss was opened & the flood was receding. (Jub 5:59)

Israelite exiles rebuilt the altar & made offerings.  (Ezra 3:1)

7th Month,

1st day

Sept 13th

Sept 11th

Civic New Year starts still today at this time.  It is when the children go back to school and civic elections occur after this date.


Information about the Feast of Trumpets


In 3238 BC, Noah instituted the Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Festivals. It was part of the covenant made with our Father on Pentecost. 

Day of Atonement – starts in the evening

(Lev 23:26-32, Lev 16, Num 29:7-11)

24 hour special Sabbath rest, prayer, fasting, & repentance of all sin.  Also repent for the sins of our ancestors.

Jesus’ Birth

Break Fast Feast during the sun rising which was when Jesus was born. Jesus was born just prior to the dawning of the 7th Month, 11th day.

7th Month,

9th – 10th

Sept 21st  - 22nd

Sept  19th to 20th

Information about the Day of Atonement

Information about Jesus’ birth on the Day of Atonement


Ministry of Reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18)

New cycle of judging begins since all sins were repented of the previous day. 

7th Month, 11th Day

Sept  23rd

Sept 21st

This day was traditionally called Michaelmas  and was observed on Sept 29th

(Dan 12:1-7, Jude 1:6-9, Rev 12:7-9)

The archangel Michael is associated with the final judgment day & with slaying the dragon.

Church records were reconciled from the previous Michaelmas to the current year Michaelmas. New judges & officers elected so that a new cycle of judgment begins. More information about Michaelmas and the Day of Atonement

Feast of Tabernacles

(Feast of Booths or Ingathering)

Dwell in tents for 8 days.

(Lev 23:33-41, Deu 16:13, Neh 8:13-18)

7th Month,

15th – 22nd

Sept 27th to Oct 4th

Sept 25th to Oct 2nd

Overview of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Feast of the Naming & Circumcision Christ (Gen 17:12-13, Lev 12:3).  This event took place during the Feast of Tabernacles.


7th Month,

18th Day

Sept 30th

Sept 28th

New Year’s Day, Jan 1st use to be called the Feast of the Naming & Circumcision of Christ based on the belief that Jesus was born on Christmas day.  However, since Jesus was born on September 29th, October 6th would be the correct date.

This maybe also called a Christening where the baby is anointed with oil, given a Christian name and circumcised if the baby is a boy.

Last Great Day Feast

(after the final judgement it will be the expiration of sin since all of the goats will be burnt by this day)

(John 7:37-39, Rev 21:1-4)

7th Month, 22nd day

Oct 4th

Oct 2nd

The original Thanksgiving celebration was the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.  Canada actually celebrates Thanksgiving close to the correct date each year. 

Thanksgiving in America  Nov 22nd & Canada on Oct 8th.

The Mayflower Pilgrim’s Thanksgiving

1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:1)

8th Month,

1st day

Oct 13th

Oct 11th


1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

9th Month,

1st day




Feast of the Dedication

Festival of Lights

8 day feast.  In 164 BC, new altar was built & dedicated for the 2nd Temple by Judas Maccabee. Josephus states this festival was called the Festival of Lights. (1Mac 4:44-59, John 10:22, Antiquities 12.7.6) 

9th Month,

25th day

 Dec 6th

Dec 4th

More about the Feast of the Dedication.

The Saturnalia Festival was also called the Festival of Lights and was an 8 day public holiday that began on Dec 17th to Dec 23rd on the Julian Calendar.  This feast lead up to the Winter Solstice just like the Festival that Judas Maccabee instituted.   It appears they had changed the celebration of the Jerusalem temple altar to the Saturn temple in Rome.  This is probably because the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in about 70 AD.  

Winter Feast Days

Winter Christian Feast Days

(The day starts at dawn.)

Red = Required by the laws of Moses








1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

Winter Division Feast Day

Noah’s flood:  He could see the tops of the mountains & he was glad.  (Jub 6)

10th Month,

1st day

Dec 13th

Dec 11th

In 3238 BC, Noah instituted the Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter Festivals. It was part of the covenant made with our Father on Pentecost.  Many different traditions have risen from this celebration around the world.

Feast of the Dedication

 - Festival of Lights

This is the last day of the 8 day feast

 Jesus attended this feast in Jerusalem.  (John 10:22-23)

10th Month,

2nd day

Dec 14th

Dec 12th

More about the Feast of the Dedication.

Theophany – (Epiphany)

The Manifestation of God or Theos

Date of Mary’s conception (Luke 1:31)

The Word was made flesh. (John 1:14)

10th Month,

19th Day

Dec 31st

Dec 29th

More about Theophany, Epiphany & Christmas.

This feast was also called Feast of Annunciation & has been celebrated on the date of March 25th, based on the false belief that Jesus was born on December 25th.

Christmas means ‘ the anointed one's festival

The Christmas date of December 25th was the day of Mary’s conception of Jesus on the old calendar (called Old Style).

Proof of Jesus’ conception date.

1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)


11 Month,

1st day

Jan 12th

Jan 10th


1st Day of the Month Celebration (Num 28:11)

12th Month,

1st day

Feb 11th

Feb 9th


Triumph of Judas Maccabeus

Nicanor was defeated.  (2 Mac 15:35)

12th Month,

13th day

Feb 23rd

Feb 21st

This day became known as Parentalia and was then followed by Feralia and then Caristia.  The tradition became a 9 day observance.  The observance dates were from February 13th to February 22nd on the old calendar; therefore included the Feast of Purim.  On this date they visited tomb stones of their ancestors.

The Feast of Purification

Feast of Purim, Sabbath day of rest

In 479 BC, the Triumph of Mardocheus', also called Purim.

(Est 9:21 & 2 Mac 15:36)

12th Month, 14th day

Feb 24

Feb 22nd

Feralia (belonging to the dead or funeral) was a somber festival where they made offerings for dead spirits who required propitiation (cover sin).  Therefore, they desired originally to cover the sins of those who caused the wars during the time of the Maccabees and Esther.

Caristia was a family festival that was about honoring family and ancestors.  All family disagreements were to be reconciled on this day.

The Feast of Purification

Feast of Purim also called Phrurae

(Est 9:21) Purim means ‘to purify’.

12th Month,

15th day

Feb 25

Feb 23rd

Rome moved these festivals to May and then later to the now celebrated and corrupted All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day.

The Feast of Purification


Here is a link to the 2023 calendar PDF file.

Here is a link to the 2024 calendar PDF file.



I plan to continue celebrating the feast days as our Father in Heaven put into law.  I hope you will also. Praise our Father in Heaven who gave us the prophecy of the fulfillment of the Feast Days!!


1 comment:

  1. Is the Winter calendar chart in blue supposed to have 2021,2022 year dates? Am I missing something? Thanks for posting because I adhere to the festivals and your calculations are correct.
